Welcome to the blog!

Everything you’re about to read is based on my own experience. It may be a personal take on something, a way to cope, or a helpful anecdote. Read on and let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to write about.

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Healing journey
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

Healing journey

“Healing is not linear…”

I’ve repeated this to myself so often over the last 5 years that it’s starting to lose it’s meaning a little bit. While I’ve always known that healing is, in fact, not linear, I never truly let myself live in that headspace. I would tell myself that every bad day was a setback and fall into an immediate downward spiral. Never good!

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1 Year Later
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

1 Year Later

I have so many posts that I’ve started and either haven’t had the motivation to finish, couldn’t find the right words, or simply forgot about. This one, however, needs to be written.

**trigger warning: self-harm and suicidal thoughts

1 year.

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I got Covid
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

I got Covid

Well, it happened friends. Not only did I get Covid but it was an ordeal. I’m putting a trigger warning at the top of this because Covid PTSD and pandemic fatigue are real so I don’t want to inadvertently make anyone upset or uncomfortable by reading this. If you are struggling, please proceed with caution.

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Letting people in
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

Letting people in

In one of my early posts at the start of this blogging journey, I posed a question: What does depression look like? I then went on to describe what depression looks like in me and what people tend to perceive depression to be and so on. I think using this platform early on to talk openly and candidly about my mental health has really helped to share my personal experience in a very transparent way. I’ve been really open about my struggles and even if no one really reads these posts, like I said in my very first blog in October 2019, it exists as a “living memoir” of where I am at any given time.

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Feeling like a crash test dummy
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

Feeling like a crash test dummy

You know that feeling when you’re just crashing over and over again and no matter how many times you crash it just keeps happening? That’s where I am right about now. My whole life has felt like a test… and I keep getting an F. I can’t remember a single year of my life where something monumental or life-changing or devastating didn’t happen. You’d think that eventually the universe would give me a break, but it hasn’t happened yet.

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I never liked the quiet before
Mental health Danielle Mental health Danielle

I never liked the quiet before

Silence. It’s a weird thing. I always hated silence, always needed background noise no matter what I was doing. For some reason if things were too quiet it scared me. If I was sitting in a room with someone and they were talking, I would talk excessively just to fill the void. I would constantly be thinking, “Why are they talking? What are they thinking about? Are they mad at me?” The one exception to that is my dad, but that’s a story for another day.

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